Top 1 scary game ever in their world

 1.the evil within:

The Evil Within is an extremely brutal experience that gives you almost no moments of reprieve. Everything is terrifying 100% of the time, and you rarely have enough bullets to feel anywhere close to safe.

You play as a police detective trapped inside the mind of a killer, traveling through twisted environments and fighting horrendous enemies all based on the killer’s memories and emotions. In classic RE fashion, you don’t have the ability to defeat every single enemy, so you have to pick your battles carefully and get used to holding down that sprint button. The imaginative level design and the upgrade system are rewarding gameplay loops, but nothing holds a candle to the game’s terrifying boss fights. These are frantic confrontations with genuinely frightening monsters, and each victory you manage to eke out feels extremely narrow.

The story is a little heavy on gibberish and ultimately doesn’t make a ton of sense, but The Evil Within is such a fun spookfest that you won’t really mind too much. 

2.charlie charlie:


The Charlie Charlie challenge is a modern incarnation of the Spanish paper-and-pencil game called Juego de la Lapicera (Pencil Game). Like a Magic 8-Ball , the game is played by teenagers using held or balanced pencils to produce answers to questions they ask. Teenage girls have played Juego de la Lapicera for generations in Spain and Hispanic America, asking which boys in their class like them. [citation needed ]

Basic set up for the two pencil game, with the top pencil balanced the same way as the other, such that minor air movements can cause it to rotate
