
history of charlie charlie

 According to Caitlyn Dewey of The Washington Post, this game is valuable as an example of cross-cultural viral trends: Charlie makes a killer case study in virality and how things move in and out of languages and cultures online. You'll notice, for instance, a lot of players and reporters talking about the game as if it were new, when it's actually—and more interestingly, I think—an old game that has just recently crossed the language divide.  Maria Elena Navez of BBC Mundo said "There's no demon called 'Charlie' in Mexico," and suggested that Mexican demons with English names (rather than, say, "Carlitos") are "usually American inventions." Urban legend expert David Emery says that some versions of the game have copied the ghost story La Llorona, popular in Hispanic America, but the pencil game is not a Mexican tradition. Joseph Laycock, a professor of religious studies at Texas State University argued that while Charlie is "most

Top 1 scary game ever in their world

 1.the evil within: The Evil Within  is an extremely brutal experience that gives you almost no moments of reprieve. Everything is terrifying 100% of the time, and you rarely have enough bullets to feel anywhere close to safe. You play as a police detective trapped inside the mind of a killer, traveling through twisted environments and fighting horrendous enemies all based on the killer’s memories and emotions. In classic  RE  fashion, you don’t have the ability to defeat every single enemy, so you have to pick your battles carefully and get used to holding down that sprint button. The imaginative level design and the upgrade system are rewarding gameplay loops, but nothing holds a candle to the game’s terrifying boss fights. These are frantic confrontations with genuinely frightening monsters, and each victory you manage to eke out feels extremely narrow. The story is a little heavy on gibberish and ultimately doesn’t make a ton of sense, but  The Evil Within  is such a fun spookfest